Sample Data Format
 Physical Performance under Family Welfare Programme in Mehsana District of Gujarat
 (In Number) 
 Particulars  Mehsana   Gujarat 
 Total  Urban  Rural  Public  Private  Total  Urban  Rural  Public  Private 
 Ante Natal Care (ANC)                     
 Total Number of Pregnant Women Registered for Ante Natal Care (ANC)                     
 Out of the Total ANC Registered, Number Registered within 1st Trimester (Within 12 Weeks)                     
 Number of PW given TT1/ Td1                     
 Number of PW given TT2 / Td2                     
 Number of PW given TT Booster/ Td Booster                     
 Number of PW Provided Full Course 180 Iron Folic Acid (IFA) Tablets                     
 Number of PW Provided Full Course 180 Iron Folic Acid (IFA) Tablets                     
 Number of PW given one Albendazole tablet after 1st Trimester                     
 Number of PW Received 4 or more ANC Check ups                     
 Number of PW given ANC Corticosteroids in Pre Term Labour                     
 New Cases of PW with Hypertension Detected                     
 Out of the New Cases of PW with Hypertension Detected, Cases Managed at Institution                     
 Number of Eclampsia Cases managed during Delivery                     
 Number of PW Tested for Haemoglobin (Hb ) 4 or more than 4 times for respective ANCs                     
 Number of PW Having Hb level<11 (out of Total Tested Cases)(7.1 to 10.9)                     
 Number of PW Having Hb level<7 (out of Total Tested Cases)                     
 Number of PW Having severe anaemia (Hb < 7) treated                     
 Number of PW Tested for Blood Sugar using OGTT(Oral Glucose Tolerance Test)                     
 Number of PW Tested Positive for GDM                     
 Number of PW given insulin out of Total Tested Positive for GDM                     
 Number of PW Tested using POC Test for Syphilis                     
 Out of Above, Number of PW Found Sero Positive for Syphilis                     
 Number of Pregnant Women Tested for Syphilis                     
 Number of Pregnant Women Tested Found Sero Positive for Syphilis                     
 Number of Syphilis Positive pregnanat Women treated for Syphilis                     
 Number of Babies daignosed with Congenital Syphilis                     
 Number of Babies treated for Congenital Syphilis                     
 Number of Home Deliveries attended by Skill Birth Attendant(SBA) (Doctor/Nurse/ANM/ Midwife)                     
 Number of Home Deliveries attended by Non SBA (Trained Birth Attendant(TBA) /Relatives/etc.)                     
 Number of PW given Tablet Misoprostol during home Delivery                     
 Number of Newborns Received 7 Home Based Newborn Care (HBNC) Visits in case of Home Delivery                     
 Number of Institutional Deliveries Conducted (Including C-Sections)                     
 Out of Total institutional Deliveries Number of Women Discharged within 48 hours of Delivery                     
 Number of Newborns Received 6 HBNC Visits after Institutional Delivery                     
 Number of Caesarean (C-Section) Deliveries                     
 Total C - Section Deliveries performed                     
 C-sections, performed at night (8 PM- 8 AM)                     
 Pregnancy Outcome and Details of New-Born                     
 Live Birth - Male                     
 Live Birth - Female                     
 Number of Pre term Newborns (< 37 weeks of Pregnancy)                     
 Still Birth                     
 Abortion (spontaneous)                     
 MTP up to 12 weeks of Pregnancy                     
 MTP more than 12 weeks of Pregnancy                     
 Post Abortion/ MTP Complications Identified                     
 Post Abortion/ MTP Complications Treated                     
 Number of Women Provided with Post abortion/ MTP contraception                     
 Number of Newborns weighed at birth                     
 Number of Newborns Having weight less than 2.5 kg                     
 Number of Newborns breast fed within 1 hour of birth                      
 Complicated Pregnancies                     
 Number of Cases of Pregnant Women with Obstetric Complications attended (Antepartum haemorrhage (APH), Post-Partum Hemorrhage (PPH), Sepsis, Eclampsia and others)                     
 Number of Complicated pregnancies treated with Blood Transfusion                     
 Post Natal Care (PNC)                     
 Women Receiving 1st Post partum Checkups within 48 hours of home Delivery                     
 Women Receiving 1st Post partum Checkup between 48 hours and 14 days                     
 Number of Mothers Provided full course of 180 IFA Tablets after Delivery                     
 Number of Mothers Provided full course of 360 Calcium Tablets after Delivery                     
 Reproductive Tract Infections/Sexually Transmitted Infections (RTI/STI) Cases                     
 New RTI/STI Cases Identified - Male                     
 New RTI/STI Cases Identified - Female                     
 RTI/STI for which Treatment initiated - Male                     
 RTI/STI for which Treatment initiated - Female                     
 Family Planning                     
 Number of Non Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) / Conventional Vasectomy Conducted                     
 Number of Laparoscopic Sterilizations (excluding Post abortion) Conducted                     
 Number of Interval Mini-lap (other than Post-partum and Post abortion) Sterilizations Conducted                     
 Number of Postpartum Sterilizations (within 7 days of Delivery by minilap or concurrent with caesarean section) Conducted                     
 Number of Post Abortion Sterilizations (within 7 days of spontaneous or surgical abortion) Conducted                     
 Number of Interval IUCD Insertions (excluding PPIUCD and PAIUCD)                     
 Number of Postpartum (within 48 hours of Delivery) IUCD insertions                     
 Number of Post Abortion (within 12 days of spontaneous or surgical abortion) IUCD insertions                     
 Number of IUCD Removals                     
 Number of complications Following IUCD Insertion                     
 Injectable Contraceptive-Antara Program- First Dose                     
 Injectable Contraceptive-Antara Program- Second Dose                     
 Injectable Contraceptive-Antara Program- Third Dose                     
 Injectable Contraceptive-Antara Program- Fourth or more than fourth                     
 Number of Combined Oral Pill cycles distributed                     
 Number of Condom pieces distributed                     
 Number of Centchroman (weekly) Pill strips distributed                     
 Number of Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECP) given                     
 Number of Pregnancy Test Kits (PTK) used                     
 Complications Following Male Sterilization                     
 Complications Following Female Sterilization                     
 Failures Following Male Sterilization                     
 Failures Following Female Sterilization                     
 Deaths Following Male Sterilization                     
 Deaths Following Female Sterilization                     
 Child Immunisation                     
 Child Immunisation - Vitamin K (Birth Dose)                     
 Child Immunisation - BCG                     
 Child Immunisation - DPT1                     
 Child Immunisation - DPT2                     
 Child Immunisation - DPT3                     
 Child Immunisation - Pentavalent 1                     
 Child Immunisation - Pentavalent 2                     
 Child Immunisation - Pentavalent 3                     
 Child Immunisation - OPV 0 (Birth Dose)                     
 Child Immunisation - OPV1                     
 Child Immunisation - OPV2                     
 Child Immunisation - OPV3                     
 Child Immunisation - Hepatitis-B0 (Birth Dose)                     
 Child Immunisation - Hepatitis-B1                     
 Child Immunisation - Hepatitis-B2                     
 Child Immunisation - Hepatitis-B3                     
 Child Immunisation - Inactivated Injectable Polio Vaccine 1 (IPV 1)                     
 Child Immunisation - Inactivated Injectable Polio Vaccine 2 (IPV 2)                     
 Child Immunisation - Rotavirus 1                     
 Child Immunisation - Rotavirus 2                     
 Child Immunisation - Rotavirus 3                     
 Child Immunisation- PCV 1                     
 Child Immunisation- PCV 2                     
 Child Immunisation- PCV Booster                     
 Child Immunisation (9-11months) - Measles & Rubella (MR)/ Measles Containing Vaccine(MCV) - 1st Dose                     
 Child Immunisation (9-11months) - Measles 1st dose                     
 Child Immunisation (9-11months) - JE 1st dose                     
 Children aged between 9 and 11 months fully immunized - Male                     
 Children aged between 9 and 11 months fully immunized - Female                     
 Child Immunisation(after 12 months) - Measles & Rubella (MR)/Measles Containing Vaccine(MCV)- 1st Dose                     
 Child Immunisation (after 12 months) - Measles-1st dose                     
 Child Immunisation (after 12 months) - JE 1st dose                     
 Child Immunisation - Measles & Rubella (MR)- 2nd Dose (16-24 months)                     
 Child Immunisation - Measles 2nd dose (More than 16 months)                     
 Child Immunisation - DPT 1st Booster                     
 Child Immunisation - OPV Booster                     
 Child Immunisation - Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccine                     
 Number of Children more than 16 months of age who Received Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Vaccine                     
 Child Immunisation - Typhoid                     
 Children more than 5 years Received DPT5 (2nd Booster)                     
 Children more than 10 years Received TT10/ Td10                     
 Children more than 16 years Received TT16/ Td16                     
 Number of Cases of AEFI - Abscess                     
 Number of Cases of AEFI - Death                     
 Number of Cases of AEFI - Others                     
 Immunisation sessions planned                     
 Immunisation sessions held                     
 Number of Immunisation sessions where ASHAs were present                     
 Child Immunisation - Vitamin A Dose - 1                     
 Child Immunisation - Vitamin A Dose - 5                     
 Child Immunisation - Vitamin A Dose - 9                     
 Number of Children (6-59 months) Provided 8-10 doses (1ml) of IFA syrup (Bi weekly)                     
 Number of Children (12-59 months) Provided Albendazole                     
 Number of severely underweight Children Provided Health Checkup (0-5 years)                     
 Number of Cases of Childhood Diseases (0-5 years)                     
 Childhood Diseases - Pneumonia                     
 Childhood Diseases - Asthma                     
 Childhood Diseases - Sepsis                     
 Childhood Diseases - Diphtheria                     
 Childhood Diseases - Pertussis                     
 Childhood Diseases - Tetanus Neonatorum                     
 Childhood Diseases - Tuberculosis (TB)                     
 Childhood Diseases - Acute Flaccid Paralysis(AFP)                     
 Childhood Diseases - Measles                     
 Childhood Diseases - Malaria                     
 Childhood Diseases - Diarrhoea                     
 Childhood Diseases - Diarrhoea treated in Inpatients                     
 Children Admitted with Respiratory Infections                     
 Childhood Diseases - Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)                     
 National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP)                     
 Total Blood Smears Examined for Malaria                     
 Malaria (Microscopy Tests ) - Plasmodium Vivax Test Positive                     
 Malaria (Microscopy Tests ) - Plasmodium Falciparum Test Positive                     
 RDT Conducted for Malaria                     
 Malaria (RDT) - Plasmodium Vivax Test Positive                     
 Malaria (RDT) - Plamodium Falciparum Test Positive                     
 Kala Azar (RDT) - Tests Conducted                     
 Kala Azar Positive Cases                     
 Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) Cases                     
 Dengue - RDT Test Positive                     
 Dengue - Enzyme- Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) Test Positive                     
 Tests Conducted for JE                     
 Tests Positive for JE                     
 Adolescent Health                     
 Girls Registered in AFHC                     
 Boys Registered in AFHC                     
 Out of Registered, Girls Received Clinical Services                     
 Out of Registered, Boys Received Clinical Services                     
 Out of Registered, Girls Received Counselling                     
 Out of Registered, Boys Received Counselling                     
 Directly Observed Treatment, Short-Course (DOTS)                     
 Number of on-going DOTS patients Registered                     
 Number of DOTS Cases completed successfully                     
 Patient Services                     
 Outpatient - Diabetes                     
 Outpatient - Hypertension                     
 Outpatient - Stroke (Paralysis)                     
 Outpatient - Acute Heart Diseases                     
 Outpatient - Mental illness                     
 Outpatient - Epilepsy                     
 Outpatient - Ophthalmic Related                     
 Outpatient - Dental                     
 Outpatient - Oncology                     
 Allopathic- Outpatient attendance                     
 Ayush - Outpatient attendance                     
 Inpatient (Male) - Children < 18 years                     
 Inpatient (Male)- Adults                     
 Inpatient (Female) - Children < 18 years                     
 Inpatient (Female)- Adults                     
 Number of Left Against Medical Advice (LAMA) Cases                     
 Inpatient - Malaria                     
 Inpatient - Dengue                     
 Inpatient - Typhoid                     
 Inpatient - Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Respiratory infections                     
 Inpatient - Tuberculosis                     
 Inpatient - Pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO)                     
 Inpatient - Diarrhea with dehydration                     
 Inpatient - Hepatitis                     
 Patients Registered at Emergency Department                     
 Emergency - Trauma ( accident, injury, poisoning etc)                     
 Emergency - Burn                     
 Emergency - Obstetrics complications                     
 Emergency - Snake Bite                     
 Emergency - Acute Caridiac Emergencies                     
 Emergency - CVA ( Cerebovascular Disease)                     
 Number of Deaths occurring at Emergency Department                     
 Operation major (General and spinal anaesthesia)                     
 Out of Operation major, Gynecology- Hysterectomy surgeries                     
 Major Surgeries excluding Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Opthalmology etc.                     
 Operation minor (No or local anaesthesia)                     
 Number of Post operative Surgical Site infection                     
 Number of Blood units issued                     
 Number of Blood transfusions done                     
 Inpatient Deaths - Male                     
 Inpatient Deaths - Female                     
 In-Patient Head Count at midnight                     
 Number of Admission in NBSU ( New Born Stabilisation Unit)                     
 Special Newborn Care Unit (SNCU Admissions) - Inborn Male                     
 Special Newborn Care Unit (SNCU Admissions) - Inborn Female                     
 Outborn – Male                     
 Outborn - Female                     
 Number of Newborns Admitted in SNCU - Referred by ASHA                     
 Number of Deaths Occurring at SNCU                     
 Number of Children Admitted in NRC                     
 Number of Children Discharged with Target Weight Gain from the NRCs                     
 Number of Rogi Kalyan Samiti (RKS) meetings held                     
 Number of Anganwadi Centres / UPHCs reported to have Conducted Village Health & Nutrition Day (VHNDs)/ Urban Health & Nutrition Day (UHNDs)/ Outreach / Special Outreach                     
 Stock out rate of essential Drugs                     
 Blood Units Issued on Replacement (Any Donors to be Considered as Replacement Donations)                     
 Total Number of Blood units issued in month                     
 Patient Satisfaction Score of the facility in Percentage (from Mera Aspatal)                     
 Laboratory Testing                     
 Number of Lab Tests done                     
 Number of Hb Tests Conducted                     
 Out of the Total Number of Hb Tests done, Number Having Hb < 7 mg                     
 Male HIV - Number Tested (by Finger Prick Test)                     
 Male HIV - Number Positive                     
 Female Non ANC HIV - Number Tested (by Finger Prick Test)                     
 Female Non ANC HIV - Number Positive                     
 Number of Pregnant Women Screened for HIV (by Finger Prick Test)                     
 Out of the Above, Number Screened Positive                     
 Out of the Above, Number Screened Positive, Number confirmed with HIV infection at Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC)                     
 Number of Male STI/RTI Attendees Tested for Syphilis                     
 Number of Male STI/RTI Attendees Found Sero Positive for Syphilis                     
 Number of Female(Non ANC)STI/RTI Attendees Tested for Syphilis                     
 Number of Female(Non ANC)STI/RTI Attendees Found Sero Positive for Syphilis                     
 Widal Tests - Number Tested                     
 Widal Tests - Number Positive                     
 Radiology - X-ray                     
 Radiology - Ultrasonography (USG)                     
 Details of Deaths Reported with Probable Causes                     
 Infant Deaths within 24 hours (1 to 23 hours) of birth                     
 Infant Deaths up to 4 weeks Due to Sepsis                     
 Infant Deaths up to 4 weeks Due to Asphyxia                     
 Infant Deaths up to 4 weeks Due to Other Causes                     
 Number of Infant Deaths (1 - 12 months) Due to Pneumonia                     
 Number of Infant Deaths (1 - 12 months) Due to Diarrhoea                     
 Number of Infant Deaths (1 - 12 months) Due to Fever related                     
 Number of Infant Deaths (1 - 12 months) Due to Measles                     
 Number of Infant Deaths (1 - 12 months) Due to Others                     
 Number of Child Deaths (1 - 5 years) Due to Pneumonia                     
 Number of Child Deaths (1 - 5 years) Due to Diarrhoea                     
 Number of Child Deaths (1 - 5 years) Due to Fever related                     
 Number of Child Deaths (1 - 5 years) Due to Measles                     
 Number of Child Deaths (1 - 5 years) Due to Others                     
 Number of Maternal Deaths Due to Bleeding                     
 Number of Maternal Deaths Due to High fever                     
 Number of Maternal Deaths Due to Abortion                     
 Number of Maternal Deaths Due to Obstructed/Prolonged labour                     
 Number of Maternal Deaths Due to Severe Hypertension/fits                     
 Number of Maternal Deaths Due to Other Causes (including Causes not Known)                     
 Total Facility Based Maternal Death Reviews (FBMDR) done                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Diarrhoeal Diseases                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Tuberculosis                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Respiratory Diseases including infections (other than TB)                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Other Fever Related                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to HIV/AIDS                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Heart Disease/Hypertension related                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Cancer                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Neurological Disease including strokes                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Accidents/Burn Cases                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Suicide                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Animal bites and stings                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Known Acute Disease                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Known Chronic Disease                     
 Number of Adolscent / Adult Deaths Due to Causes not Known                     
 Number of Deaths Due to Malaria- Plasmodium Vivax                     
 Number of Deaths Due to Malaria- Plasmodium Falciparum                     
 Number of Deaths Due to Kala Azar                     
 Number of Deaths Due to Dengue                     
 Number of Deaths Due to Acute Encephelitis Syndrome (AES)                     
 Number of Deaths Due to Japanese Encephalitis (JE)                     
 Vaccine - Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Pentavalent                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Tetanus Toxoid (TT)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Diphtheria Tetanus (DT)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Measles                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Japanese Encephalitis (JE)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Hepatitis B                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Typhoid                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vaccine - Vitamin K                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Inactivated Polio Vaccine                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Measles Rubella (MR)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Family Planning                     
 Intra Uterine Devices (IUD) 380 A                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 IUD 375 A                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Oral Contraceptive                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Emergency Contraceptive Pills                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Centchroman Weekly Pills                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Injectable Contraceptive MPA (Vials)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Tubal Rings                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Pregnanct Testing Kits (Nischay Kits)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Other Items                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 MVA Syringes                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Tab. Fluconazole                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Blood Transfusion Sets                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Gluteraldehyde 2%                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 IFA Tablets (Adult)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 IFA - Blue (Adolescent 10-19 years)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 IFA- Pink (Junior 6-10 years)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 IFA Syrup (Paediatric)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Paediatrics Antibiotics ( Amoxycillin and Injectable Gentamicin)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Vit A Syrup                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 ORS (New WHO)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 RTI /STI Colour Coded Syndromic Kits (I to VII)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Zinc 20 mg Tablet                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Albendazole 400 mg Tablet                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Calcium Tablets                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Syringes - 0.1 ml (AD)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Syringes - 0.5 ml (AD)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Syringes - 5.0 ml (Disposable)                     
 1. Balance From Previous Month                     
 2. Stocks Received                     
 3. Unusable Stock                     
 4. Stock Distributed                     
 5. Total Stock                     
 Rashtriya Bal Swasthaya Karyakram (RBSK)                     
 Number of newborn Screened for defects at birth (as per RBSK)                     
 Number of Children (6 month to 6 years) Screened by RBSK Mobile Health teams at Anganwadi center                     
 Number of Children (6 years to 18 years) Screened by RBSK Mobile Health teams at Govt and Govt aided Schools                     
 Number of Male Children Identified with Disease                     
 Number of Female Children Identified with Disease                     
 Number of Male Children Identified with Deficiency                     
 Number of Female Children Identified with Deficiency                     
 Number of Male Children Identified with Developmental delay                     
 Number of Female Children Identified with Developmental delay                     
 Number of Children Managed by Intervention - Medical                     
 Number of Children Managed by Intervention - Surgical                     
 Early intervention at DEIC ( District Early Intervention Centre)                     
 Adolscent Health                     
 Girls (6th - 12th class) Provided 4 IFA Tablets in Schools                     
 Boys (6th - 12th class) Provided 4 IFA Tablets in Schools                     
 Girls (6th - 12th class) Provided Albendazole in Schools                     
 Boys (6th - 12th class) Provided Albendazole in Schools                     
 Number of out of School Adolscent girls (10-19 years) Provided 4 IFA Tablets at Anganwadi Centres                     
 Number of out of School Adolscent girls (10-19 years) Provided Albendazole at Anganwadi Centres                     
 Number of adolescent girls Provided Sanitary napkin packs                     
 Number of Sanitary napkin packs sold to adolescent girls                     
 Number of Sanitary napkin packs distributed free to ASHA                     
 Number of adolescent girls attended monthly meeting                     
 Number of Children covered under WIFS JUNIOR (6 - 10 years ) Provided 4-5 IFA Tablets in Schools                     
 Number of Children (6 - 10 years) Provided Albendazole in Schools                     
 Number of out of School Children (6-10 years) given 4-5 IFA Tablets at Anganwadi Centres                     
 Number of out of School Children (6-10 years) Provided Albendazole at Anganwadi Centres                     
 Total Maternal Deaths Reviewed (MDR) by CMO                     
 Total Maternal Deaths Reviewed (MDR) by DM                     
 Number of maternal Deaths reported through Community Based Maternal Death Review (CBMDR)                     
 Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK)                     
 Number of Pregnant Women Provided - Free Medicines under JSSK                     
 Number of Pregnant Women Provided - Free Diet under JSSK                     
 Number of Pregnant Women Provided - Free Diagnostics under JSSK                     
 Number of Pregnant Women Provided - Free Home to facility transport under JSSK                     
 Number of Pregnant Women Provided - Interfacility transfers when needed under JSSK                     
 Number of Pregnant Women Provided - Free Drop Back home under JSSK                     
 Number of sick infants Provided - Free Medicines under JSSK                     
 Number of sick infants Provided - Free Diagnostics under JSSK                     
 Number of sick infants Provided - Free Home to facility transport under JSSK                     
 Number of sick infants Provided - Interfacility transfers when needed under JSSK                     
 Number of sick infants Provided - Free Drop Back home under JSSK                     
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