About District
Administrative Units
Banks and Financial Institutions
Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
Crime and Law
Environment and Pollution
Foreign Trade
Forest and Wildlife
Geographical Data
Labour and Workforce
Meteorological Data
Mines and Minerals
Per Capita Availability
Rural and Urban Areas
Social and Welfare Schemes
House and Their Uses
Households by Food Availability
Households by Sources of Drinking Water
Households by Sources of Electricity
Households by Sources of Specified Assets
Households by Sources of Toilet/Bathing Facility
Households by Type of Fuel Used for Cooking
Households Debt and Investment
Housing Condition
Housing Construction
Housing Schemes
Residential Houses and Households
Survey on Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition
- District-wise Number and Description of Registered Documents and Value of Property Transferred in Andhra Pradesh (2018-2019)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Section Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (2018-2019)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Section Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (Upto 2018-2019)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Section Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (Upto 2017-2018)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Section Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (2017-2018)
- District-wise Number and Description of Registered Documents and Value of Property Transferred in Andhra Pradesh (2017-2018)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Section Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (2016-2017)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Section Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (Upto 2016-2017)
- District-wise Number and Description of Registered Documents and Value of Property Transferred in Andhra Pradesh (2016-2017)
- District-wise Extend of House Land Distributed and Beneficiaries in Andhra Pradesh (2015-2016)
- District-wise Number and Description of Registered Documents and Value of Property Transferred in Andhra Pradesh (2015-2016)
- District-wise Extend of House Land Distributed and Beneficiaries in Andhra Pradesh (2014-2015)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Sections Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (2014-2015)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Sections Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (2013-2014)
- District-wise Number of House Sites Distributed in Andhra Pradesh (2011-2012)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Section Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (Upto 2011-2012)
- District-wise Number and Description of Registered Documents and Value of Property Transferred in Andhra Pradesh (2011-2012)
- District-wise Number of House Sites Distributed in Andhra Pradesh (2010-2011)
- District-wise Number and Description of Registered Documents and Value of Property Transferred in Andhra Pradesh (2009-2010)
- District-wise Number of Houses Completed under Weaker Section Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (Upto 2009-2010)
- District-wise Number of House Sites Distributed under Indiramma Housing Programme in Andhra Pradesh (2008-2009)