About District
Administrative Units
Banks and Financial Institutions
Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
Crime and Law
Environment and Pollution
Foreign Trade
Forest and Wildlife
Geographical Data
Labour and Workforce
Meteorological Data
Mines and Minerals
Per Capita Availability
Rural and Urban Areas
Social and Welfare Schemes
Agricultural Area/Land Use
Agricultural Education
Agricultural Implements and Machinery
Agricultural Input-Output
Agricultural Land Holdings
Agricultural Marketing
Agricultural Prices
Agricultural Production
Agricultural Schemes
Agricultural Wages
Agricultural Workforce
Animal Husbandry/Livestock
Consumption of Fertilisers
Fisheries (Aquaculture)
HYVP Crops
Milk and Dairy Products
Water Resources
- Artificial Insemination Work Done under Artificial Insemination Centres in Anand District of Gujarat (2023-2024)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions and Centres/Sub-centres under Various Animal Husbandry Development Schemes in Anand District of Gujarat (2023-2024)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organized by Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2023-2024)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2023-2024)
- Number of Centres/Sub-Centres Having Artificial Insemination Facilities in Anand District of Gujarat (2023-2024)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organized by Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2022-2023)
- Number of Centres/Sub-Centres Having Artificial Insemination Facilities in Anand District of Gujarat (2022-2023)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2022-2023)
- Artificial Insemination Work Done under Artificial Insemination Centres in Anand District of Gujarat (2022-2023)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2021-2022)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organized by Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2020-2021)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2020-2021)
- Number of Centres/Sub-Centres Having Artificial Insemination Facilities in Anand District of Gujarat (2020-2021)
- Artificial Insemination Work Done under Artificial Insemination Centres in Anand District of Gujarat (2020-2021)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2020-2021)
- Number of Inoculation/Vaccination Done in Anand District of Gujarat (2019-2020)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organised by Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2019-2020)
- Number of Castrations Performed and Treatement Cases in Anand District of Gujarat (2019-2020)
- Number of Treatement Cases in Cattle Camps Organised by Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2019-2020)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2019-2020)
- Number of Treatement Cases in Cattle Camps Organised by Panchayats (VD/BVD/FAVC and MVD) in Anand District of Gujarat (2019-2020)
- Number of Cases Treated in Sexual Health Control and Surgical Camps Organised by Veterinary Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2019-2020)
- Number of Cases Treated in Sexual Health Control and Surgical Camps Organised by Intensive Cattle Development Project (ICDP) Centres in Anand District of Gujarat (2019-2020)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organised in Krishi Mahotsav in Anand District of Gujarat (2019)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2018-2019)
- Number of Treatement Cases in Cattle Camps Organised by Panchayats (VD/BVD/FAVC and MVD) in Anand District of Gujarat (2017-2018)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2017-2018)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organised in Anand District of Gujarat (2017-2018)
- Number of Treatement Cases in Cattle Camps Organised by Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2017-2018)
- Number of Cases Treated in Sexual Health Control and Surgical Camps Organised by Veterinary Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2017-2018)
- Number of Castrations Performed and Treatement Cases in Anand District of Gujarat (2017-2018)
- Number of Inoculation/Vaccination Done in Anand District of Gujarat (2017-2018)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions and Centres/Sub-centres under Various Animal Husbandry Development Schemes in Gujarat (2017-2018)
- Number of Cases Treated in Sexual Health Control and Surgical Camps Organised by Intensive Cattle Development Project (ICDP) Centres in Anand District of Gujarat (2017-2018)
- Number of Castrations Performed and Treatement Cases in Anand District of Gujarat (2016-2017)
- Number of Cases Treated in Sexual Health Control and Surgical Camps Organised by Veterinary Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2016-2017)
- Number of Treatement Cases in Cattle Camps Organised by Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2016-2017)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2016-2017)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organized by Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2016-2017)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organized in Krishi Mahotsav in Anand District of Gujarat (2017)
- Number of Inoculation/Vaccination Done in Anand District of Gujarat (2016-2017)
- Number of Treatement Cases in Cattle Camps Organised by Panchayats (VD/BVD/FAVC and MVD) in Anand District of Gujarat (2016-2017)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions and Centres/Sub-centres under Various Animal Husbandry Development Schemes in Anand District of Gujarat (2016-2017)
- Number of Cases Treated in Sexual Health Control and Surgical Camps Organised by Intensive Cattle Development Project (ICDP) Centres in Anand District of Gujarat (2016-2017)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2015-2016)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organized in Krishi Mahotsav in Anand District of Gujarat (2016)
- Number of Animal Health Camps Organized in Anand District of Gujarat (2014-2015)
- Number of Treatement Cases in Cattle Camps Organised by Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2014-2015)
- Number of Treatement Cases in Cattle Camps Organised by Panchayats (VD/BVD/FAVC and MVD) in Anand District of Gujarat (2014-2015)
- Number of Cases Treated in Sexual Health Control and Surgical Camps Organised by Veterinary Polyclinics in Anand District of Gujarat (2014-2015)
- Number of Inoculation/Vaccination Done in Anand District of Gujarat (2014-2015)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions in Anand District of Gujarat (2014-2015)
- Number of Veterinary Institutions and Centres/Sub-centres under Various Animal Husbandry Development Schemes in Anand District of Gujarat (2014-2015)
- Number of Castrations Performed and Treatement Cases in Anand District of Gujarat (2014-2015)