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Social and Welfare Schemes
- Number of Local Service Providers Registration under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (As on 31st March, 2019)
- Monthly Number of Local Service Providers Registration under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (2018-2019)
- Number of Job Seeker Registration under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (As on 31st March, 2019)
- Monthly Number of Job Seeker Registration by Social Category under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (2018-2019)
- Age Group-wise Monthly Number of Job Seeker Registration under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (2018-2019)
- Number of Job Seeker Registration by Gender under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (As on 31st March, 2019)
- Monthly Number of Job Seeker Registration by Gender under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (2018-2019)
- Number of Job Seeker Registration by Social Category under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (As on 31st March, 2019)
- Age Group Number of Job Seeker Registration under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (As on 31st March, 2019)
- Average Time (In Minutes) Spent in a Day per Participant of Age Group 15-29 Years by Gender and Residence in Rajkot District of Gujarat (January - December, 2019)
- Average Time (In Minutes) Spent in a Day per Participant of Age Group 15-59 Years by Gender and Residence in Rajkot District of Gujarat (January - December, 2019)
- Average Time (In Minutes) Spent in a Day per Participant in Unpaid Domestic Services Activities for Household Member by Gender and Residence in Rajkot District of Gujarat (January - December, 2019)
- Number of Skill Providers Registration under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (As on 31st March, 2019)
- Average Time (In Minutes) Spent in a Day per Person in Unpaid Activities, Paid Activities and Residual Other Activities by Gender and Residence in Rajkot District of Gujarat (January - December, 2019)
- Average Time (In Minutes) Spent in a Day per Person of Various Age Groups in Travelling by Gender and Residence in Rajkot District of Gujarat (January - December, 2019)
- Average Time (In Minutes) Spent in Various Activities in a Day Per Person by Gender and Residence in Rajkot District of Gujarat (January - December, 2019)
- Average Time (In Minutes) Spent in a Day per Participant of Age Group 60 Years and Above by Gender and Residence in Rajkot District of Gujarat (January - December, 2019)
- Monthly Number of Job Seeker Registration under National Career Service (NCS) in Rajkot District of Gujarat (2018-2019)
- Average Time (In Minutes) Spent in a Day per Participant of Age Group 6-14 Years by Gender and Residence in Rajkot District of Gujarat (January - December, 2019)
- Average Time (In Minutes) Spent in a Day per Participant in Unpaid Caregiving Services for Household Members by Gender and Residence in Rajkot District of Gujarat (January - December, 2019)