About District
Administrative Units
Banks and Financial Institutions
Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
Crime and Law
Environment and Pollution
Foreign Trade
Forest and Wildlife
Geographical Data
Labour and Workforce
Meteorological Data
Mines and Minerals
Per Capita Availability
Rural and Urban Areas
Social and Welfare Schemes
- Number of Farmer and Reelers Benefited under Sericulture Development Programme in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Production of Cocoon in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Number of Cocoon Markets and Value of Silk Cocoon Produced under Sericulture in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Number of Villages Engaged on Mulberry and Area under Mulberry in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Number of Sericulture by Social Category in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Production of Cocoon in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Area under Mulberry in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Production of Cocoon in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Area under Mulberry in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Area under Mulberry in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Production of Cocoon in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
- Production of Cocoon in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2018-2019)
- Area under Mulberry in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2018-2019)
- Mulberry Area and Production of Raw Silk in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2017-2018)
- Production of Cocoon in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2016-2017)
- Number of Sericulture Villages, Area under Mulberry and Families Engaged in Sericulture in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2016-2017)
- Production of Raw Silk in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2016-2017)
- Production and Value of Silk Khadi Industries in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2016-2017)
- Area under Mulberry in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (As on 31.03.2010 and 2011)
- Production of Cocoon in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2010-2011)
- Production of Silkworm Eggs in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2009-2010)
- Area under Mulberry, Silkworm Eggs Brushed, Cocoon Production and Silk Production in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2009-2010)
- Production of Cocoon in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2008-2009)
- Production of Silkworm Eggs in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2008-2009)
- Area under Mulberry, Silkworm Eggs Brushed, Cocoon Production and Silk Production in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2008-2009)
- Area under Mulberry in Chitradurga District of Karnataka (2008-2009)