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Social and Welfare Schemes
- District-wise Age Group-wise Adolescent and Youth Literates Population by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Adolescent and Youth Scheduled Tribe Literates Population by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Literate Population (Person/Male/Female/Total/Rural/Urban) in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population by Educational Level Graduate and Above by Residence and Sex (Negaland) (As per 2011 Census) - Part I
- District-wise Age Group-wise Scheduled Tribe Population by Educational Level (Literate without Educational Level) by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Scheduled Tribe Population by Educational Level (Below Primary/Primary/Middle/Matric/Secondary) by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population Attending Educational Institution by Completed Education Level by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census) - Part II
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population by Educational Level Graduate and Above by Residence and Sex (Negaland) (As per 2011 Census) - Part III
- District-wise Houseless Literate Population by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population by Educational Level Graduate and Above by Residence and Sex (Negaland) (As per 2011 Census) - Part II
- District-wise Age Group-wise Scheduled Tribes Population by Educational Level Graduate and Above by Residence and Sex (Negaland) (As per 2011 Census) - Part III
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population Attending Educational Institution by Completed Education Level by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census) - Part I
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population Attending Educational Institution by Completed Education Level by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census) - Part III
- District-wise Scheduled Tribe Literate Population (Person/Male/Female/Total/Rural/Urban) in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Houseless Literacy Rate (Person/Male/Female//Total/Rural/Urban) in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Religion-wise Number of Literates by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Female Headed Household Scheduled Tribe Literates Population by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Scheduled Tribes Population by Educational Level Graduate and Above by Residence and Sex (Negaland) (As per 2011 Census) - Part I
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population Attending Educational Institutions and Type of Educational Institution by Residence and Sex in in Nagaland (2011) - Part I
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population Attending Educational Institutions and Type of Educational Institution by Residence and Sex in in Nagaland (2011) - Part II
- District-wise Age Group-wise Scheduled Tribe Population by Educational Level (Higher Secondary/Intermediate/Technical Diploma or Certificate not Equal to Degree/Graduate and Above/Unclassified) by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Number of Houseless Literate Population (Person/Male/Female//Total/Rural/Urban) in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Female Headed Household Literates Population by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population by Educational Level (Literate without Educational Level) by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population by Educational Level (Below Primary/Primary/Middle/Matric/Secondary) by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Population by Educational Level (Higher Secondary/Intermediate/Technical Diploma or Certificate not Equal to Degree/Graduate and Above/Unclassified) by Residence and Sex in Nagaland (As per 2011 Census)
- District-wise Age Group-wise Scheduled Tribes Population by Educational Level Graduate and Above by Residence and Sex (Negaland) (As per 2011 Census) - Part II