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- Number of Notification of Tuberculosis (TB) Cases under National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha
- Number of Notification of Tuberculosis (TB) Cases under National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha
- Number of Notification of Tuberculosis (TB) Cases under National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha
- Number of Notification of Tuberculosis (TB) Cases under National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha
- Number of Notification of Tuberculosis (TB) Cases under National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha
- Performance of RNTCP Case Detection, Smear Conversion, Treatment Outcomes and Notification by Private Sector under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha (2012 and 2013)
- Performance of RNTCP Case Detection, Smear Conversion, Treatment Outcomes and Notification by Private Sector under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha (2011 and 2012)
- Performance of RNTCP Case Detection, Smear Conversion, Treatment Outcomes and Notification by Private Sector under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha (2010 and 2011)
- Performance of RNTCP Case Detection, Smear Conversion and Treatment Outcomes under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha (2009 and 2010) - Part I
- Performance of RNTCP Case Detection, Smear Conversion and Treatment Outcomes under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha (2009 and 2010) - Part II
- Performance of RNTCP Case Detection, Smear Conversion and Treatment Outcomes under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha (2009 and 2010) - Part III
- Performance of RNTCP Case Detection, Smear Conversion and Treatment Outcomes under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha (2008 and 2009) - Part III
- Performance of RNTCP Case Detection, Smear Conversion and Treatment Outcomes under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha (2008 and 2009) - Part I
- Performance of RNTCP Case Detection, Smear Conversion and Treatment Outcomes under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) in Kendujhar District of Odisha (2008 and 2009) - Part II