About District
Administrative Units
Banks and Financial Institutions
Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
Crime and Law
Environment and Pollution
Foreign Trade
Forest and Wildlife
Geographical Data
Labour and Workforce
Meteorological Data
Per Capita Availability
Rural and Urban Areas
Social and Welfare Schemes
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Production of Cocoon and Raw Silk in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Production of Cocoon and Raw Silk in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Tree Plantation for Rearing of Cocoon in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Production of Cocoon and Raw Silk in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Tree Plantation for Rearing of Cocoon in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Tree Plantation for Rearing of Cocoon in Hailakandi District of Assam (2018-2019)
- Production of Cocoon and Raw Silk in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam (2017-2018)
- Production of Cocoon and Raw Silk in Hailakandi District of Assam (2017-2018)
- Production of Raw Silk in Hailakandi District of Assam (2017-2018)
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam (2016-2017)
- Production of Cocoon and Raw Silk in Hailakandi District of Assam (2016-2017)
- Tree Plantation for Rearing of Cocoon in Hailakandi District of Assam (2016-2017)
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam
- Number of Reeling Units, Improved Basins Established, Quantity of Cocoons Reeled and Raw Silk Produce in Hailakandi District of Assam (2013-2014)
- Yield of Eri Cut, Muga and Mulbarry Cocoons in Hailakandi District of Assam (2013-2014)
- Area under Silk Worm Food Plants (Eri/Muga/Mulbarry) in Hailakandi District of Assam (2013-2014)
- Sericulture Farm and Grainages in Hailakandi District of Assam (2013-2014)
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam (2013-2014)
- Production of Eri, Muga, Mulbarry Raw Silk and Spinning Charkha in Hailakandi District of Assam (2013-2014)
- Number of Reeling Units, Improved Basins Established, Quantity of Cocoons Reeled and Raw Silk Produce in Hailakandi District of Assam (2012-2013)
- Sericulture Farm and Grainages in Hailakandi District of Assam (2012-2013)
- Area under Silk Worm Food Plants (Eri/Muga/Mulbarry) in Hailakandi District of Assam (2012-2013)
- Production of Eri, Muga and Mulbarry Raw Silk in Hailakandi District of Assam (2012-2013)
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam (2012-2013)
- Yield of Eri, Muga and Mulbarry Cocoons in Hailakandi District of Assam (2012-2013)
- Sericulture Farm and Grainages in Hailakandi District of Assam (2009-2010)
- Sericulture Activities in Hailakandi District of Assam (2009-2010)
- Production of Eri, Muga and Mulbarry Raw Silk in Hailakandi District of Assam (2007-2008)
- Number of Sericulture Villages and Families Engaged in Hailakandi District of Assam (2007-2008)
- Area under Plantation of Eri, Mulberry and Muga in Hailakandi District of Assam (2007-2008)
- Area under Silk Worm Food Plants (Eri/Muga/Mulbarry) in Hailakandi District of Assam (2007-2008)
- Yield of Eri, Muga and Mulbarry Cocoons in Hailakandi District of Assam (2007-2008)