About District
Banks and Financial Institutions
Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs
Crime and Law
Environment and Pollution
Foreign Trade
Forest and Wildlife
Labour and Workforce
Meteorological Data
Mines and Minerals
Per Capita Availability
Social and Welfare Schemes
- Number of Offices/Accounts, Deposits and Credit Amount Outstanding of Scheduled Commercial Banks
According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(As on 31st March, 2024)
- Quarterly Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(Quarter Ended June, 2024)
- Quarterly Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(Quarter Ended March, 2024)
- Quarterly Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(Quarter Ended December, 2023)
- Quarterly Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(Quarter Ended September, 2023)
- Quarterly Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(Quarter Ended June, 2023)
- Quarterly Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(Quarter Ended March, 2023)
- Number of Offices/Accounts, Deposits and Credit Amount Outstanding of Scheduled
Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(As on 31st March, 2023)
- Number of Offices/Accounts, Deposits and Credit Amount Outstanding of Scheduled
Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(As on 31st March, 2022)
- Number of Offices/Accounts, Deposits and Credit Amount Outstanding of Scheduled
Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(As on 31st March, 2021)
- Number of Offices/Accounts, Deposits and Credit Amount Outstanding of Scheduled
Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(As on 31st March, 2020)
- Number of Offices/Accounts, Deposits and Credit Amount Outstanding of Scheduled
Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra
(As on 31st March, 2019)
- Population Group-wise Number of Offices, Aggregate Deposits and Gross Bank Credit of All Scheduled Commercial Banks in Palghar District of Maharashtra (Quarter Ended March, 2018)
- Population Group-wise Number of Offices, Aggregate Deposits and Gross Bank Credit of All Scheduled Commercial Banks in Palghar District of Maharashtra (Quarter Ended June, 2018)
- Population Group-wise Number of Offices, Aggregate Deposits and Gross Bank Credit of All Scheduled Commercial Banks in Palghar District of Maharashtra (Quarter Ended September, 2018)
- Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra (March, 2018)
- Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks According to Population Group in Palghar District of Maharashtra (March, 2017)
- Population Group-wise Number of Offices, Aggregate Deposits and Gross Bank Credit of All Scheduled Commercial Banks in Palghar District of Maharashtra (Quarter Ended December, 2017)
- Number of Accounts, Deposits and Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks (Rural/Semi-Urban/Urban/Metropolitan) in Palghar District of Maharashtra (March, 2016)